What's Next For Accounting? - Issue #105

💡Upgrade Your Intake Form in 10 Minutes

Loving this new AI spin on webforms from the folks behind Typeform.

Rather than the traditional step by step form, it uses an LLM to conversationally guide the user through an info gathering process.

On the backend you simply define the things you need, and it extends the conversation until it’s confident complete answers have been provided.

You can load in additional custom data as well, so it knows all about your firm, and uses that info to inform the conversation. It’ll even let the user continue chatting with it after it has all the info it needs.

The tool is called Formless, and right now it’s free up to 500 responses per month.

💎This Week's Sponsor

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📅 This Week

😍From The Community

My private peer networking community Realize for firm leaders, now capped at 500 members.

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