What's Next For Accounting? - Issue #107

💡 A Tour of Zoom AI

Recently Zoom launched some built-in AI functionality, and you probably already have access to it for no additional cost.

They call the functionality “AI Companion”, and it’s available to everyone under the entry level paid plan. So if you can currently have meetings longer than 40 minutes, then you’ve got it.

3 things it’ll do for you today:

  • Meeting Summaries - At the end of the meeting it’ll send out an email to all attendees with a summary of what was discussed

  • AI Chat Companion - During the meeting, there will be an AI assistant you can ask questions of mid-meeting based on the transcript. Helpful if you’re joining late, have a question about something someone said, or want to generate an outline or list of action items on the fly

  • Whiteboard Visualization - Use AI to generate visualizations of what’s being discussed on a whiteboard during the meeting

  • There’s also some new AI sorcery in Zoom’s email and team chat functionality, but nobody actually uses that

Two steps you’ll likely need to take to enable it:

  • The admin on your Zoom account will have to go to Account Settings > AI Companion to enable it for your organization

  • Then each user can go to Settings > AI Companion to enable the functionality they want

If you need to be convinced of the importance of AI meeting assistants in firms, check out this podcast episode for some ideas around just how valuable this can be.

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