What's Next For Accounting? - Issue #79

Before we get started - if you've ever been interested in joining a mastermind group of fellow firm-runners, I'm currently matchmaking new groups in my community. Signups close 4/30, and we only do this twice a year. It's a 6 month program, more background on how our masterminds work here.

๐Ÿ’ก Custom ChatGPT For Internal Training

Let's make a chat bot to enable junior staff, let them ask dumb questions, and pick your brain asynchronously, with a bot that's trained on any material you choose. Your company documentation, transcripts from past trainings, Q&As with staff. Even connect the bot to Slack or Teams ๐Ÿ‘‡

Here I dropped in a transcript from an old video about increasing prices. You can add any number of data sources, and optionally link to the original source. You can remove the branding, embed it on a website, or integrate it into team chat. The app is called MyAskAI, and is super easy to use. It took about 90 seconds to set that up.

You can create numerous bots. For example maybe JasonGPT is helpful to my team, but we could also create a QuickBooks bot linked to our favorite help documentation, a company handbook bot, or an SOP bot.

This is part of a larger trend of context becoming more valuable. The chat bot will only be as helpful as the documentation you have. So if you have a wealth of training docs for staff, you're going to have a killer chat bot. If you don't, doing things as simple as recording a voice memo, talking through your thoughts on a subject, could become a valuable resource.

I led a discussion here on the value of personal AIs, and what Bill Gates recently had to say on the matter.

๐Ÿ’ŽThis Week's Sponsor

๐Ÿ“… This Week

๐Ÿ˜From The Community

My community Realize is a private space for people to swap ideas & collaborate. At $180/mo itโ€™s also the way I finance everything else I do, pay a full-time creative director, and a part-time developer in an effort to make the accounting industry a slightly better place ๐Ÿ’— The community is currently about 300 members strong.