What's Next For Accounting? - Issue #89

💡 The Future Of Client Support

A chat assistant as a gatekeeper to the advisor? I know, feels low-touch, but stick with me because it’s just around the corner:

A self-service assistant your clients talk with to fetch files, status updates, summaries of previous communications and more.

Last week we got a look at Digits’ chat assistant for your accounting ledger. It led to a deeper discussion on the pod this week about what’s helpful to the business owner, what’s helpful to the advisor, and what’s helpful for the relationship.

Earlier this year Intercom launched Fin, a chat bot that sits atop your documentation to resolve customer questions. It’s a fascinating point of reference for what a practice management system-connected assistant could look like.

  • Point it to the client’s documentation + general docs

  • Clients chat anywhere, your portal, SMS, email, WhatsApp etc

  • Hand off to a human only when it’s needed

Our negative knee jerk reaction stems from the truly awful chatbot experiences we’ve had in the past. But ultimately if a helpful version will get you a tax return copy in 30 seconds, rather than having to call or email it’s a win for everyone.

Today Fin only works with general source documentation - there isn’t a way to serve a unique instance of the bot to each client based on their own docs. Intercom also charges a 10-key-clenching 99 cents per successful resolution 👀

So who in today’s accounting tech landscape builds it? A practice management system? A dedicated communication layer like Liscio? A chat plugin that integrates with your PM? Or an instance of ChatGPT with plugins for each of your apps?

Either way it’s going to resolve a host of low-value interactions that clog our inboxes today.

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😍 From The Community

My private peer networking community Realize for firm leaders, now capped at 500 members.

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