What's Next For Accounting? - Issue #93

💡 Customize Your ChatGPT Experience

ChatGPT’s new ‘Custom Instructions’ are a way to tailor responses, without having to prompt it with specific instructions each time. It’s now available in ChatGPT Plus, but is expected to be available on all versions soon.

It’s a great way to put ChatGPT on rails, and make it easier to use for your colleagues, spouses, and mother-in-law to get up to speed quickly.

I’ll run you through one example, and at the end share 5 instruction sets you can swipe to help your team get more out of ChatGPT.

To enable custom instructions, go to Settings > Beta Features > Turn on custom instructions. Now under the menu in the bottom left you’ll have a new option to customize those settings.

Think of the first box as preferences. Instruct it according to your preferred communication style. Be concise, use bullet lists and tables, use British English etc. The second box is to tailor the output, and this is where we can get creative.

For example: ‘When writing emails, always use the following tone of voice: …’. If you don’t have a prompt describing your tone of voice yet, swipe this great instruction prompt from Jeremy Nguyen.

If your team’s still getting up to speed with ChatGPT, this ‘use my own tone of voice’ instruction is a great way to better align ChatGPT’s output with the expectation of the user.

But these instructions can be tailored to do just about anything. Here are some more instruction prompts to swipe:

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😍 From The Community

My private peer networking community Realize for firm leaders, now capped at 500 members. We’ll be permanently raising the price for new members in a few weeks.

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